Monday, 07 September 2009


Just before I went for my break to South Africa went to run an errand in the capital. With a bit of time to waste I thought I would walk up towards Jongno, a rout that took me past City Hall and Seoul Plaza.

At the Plaza there is a small ground lever fountain that allows children to get wet during the hot summer months. Unfortunately I didn’t know about this and arrived there armed with only my little Canon compact camera. The photos weren’t terrible, but I just did not like them.

After returning from the RSA I decided to go look in and see if I can get better photos. Sadly there were very few children there, but I managed to capture this gem.

I would go so far as to say that it is my current favourite photo. I had it printed out in a 10cm by 15cm print and I must say that it looks pretty darn good.

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